Some bits of Europe at the World Trade Centre of Montreal

When I was living in Montreal during my university studies, my roommate and I walked one day by chance into the Montreal World Trade Centre. I do not remember if it was because it was pouring rain or because of the biting cold, but we stumbled upon the building with the large glass facade and decided to take refuge into it. And we were completely amazed by the place we had discovered.

The Montreal World Trade Centre is a large glass atrium built in 1992 that unites several Victorian-era buildings. It remains one of my favourite less-known places in the city and I often take friends there when I want them to discover a spot a bit quieter than the touristy Old Port nearby.

In addition to its beautiful architecture highlighting the old facades of what used to be the Ruelle des Fortifications, the World Trade Centre has a remnant of the Berlin Wall on display. This concrete piece is covered with graffiti and was offered to the city of Montreal for its 350th anniversary. I remember being deeply impressed the first time I saw it a decade ago. I did not know then that Montreal had a piece of the Berlin Wall, and it was then my first time seeing one.

Berlin Wall at the World Trade Centre in Montreal
Berlin in Montreal

Nearby, you can find a magnificent statue of Amphitrite in front of a black granite pool. Like the Berlin Wall remnant, the statue of Amphitrite also comes from Europe and was giving to Montreal in 1992. Carved in 1750, it once stood atop a fountain in Saint-Mihiel, France.

Amphitrite Fountain in Montreal
Cozy place for a coffee

And as if these small bits of Europe were not enough, in front of the west entrance of the World Trade Centre of Montreal you can find a Guimard portico from the Paris metro. This art nouveau portico was given to Montreal when the metro opened in 1967. It now marks the entrance of the Square-Victoria metro station and is the only original Guimard portico located outside Paris.

Square Victoria metro station
Paris in Montreal

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